Monday, March 13, 2017

Having Given Up the Ghost, Sweeney Flies in With Seedlings to Help Stitch the Wound

A traumatic wound — gashed open to the bone.
But the Emperor and his Jester are up the creek
without a paddle, wading against their own effluent.

A traumatic wound — gashed open to the bone.
The spell feeding on the workers like dermonecrosis
is broken, and they disperse into healthier skin.

A traumatic wound — gashed open to the bone.
Having given up the ghost, Sweeney flies in with
seedlings of native vegetation to help stitch the wound.

A traumatic wound — gashed open to the bone.
In the sand the bushland had grown from, Sweeney
knows country is still alive and consults with the Elders.

A traumatic wound — gashed open to the bone.
It can be healed. Its essence is spilling out like a balm.
The red-tailed cockatoos are thinking of the decades ahead.

            John Kinsella

So let's hope this is the end of the assault on the Beeliar wetlands, and that replanting and healing of the damaged land begins immediately. Of course, for many creatures and much vegetation it is too late. This is a message of thanks and well-wishing to all protesters past and present at the site.

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