Thursday, February 28, 2019

Government and Private Industry Destroy Yet Another Pocket of Bushland in Perth (Kiara)

See Hannah Barry's article on this latest abuse of nature by government and developers in Perth, Western Australia. And my poem in response to this catastrophe:

Deathwish Imposed on Kiara Bushland

Landcorp and the developers
win always in their deathwish

endgame collusion — the killing
off, the erasing to say, This is how

it always was — old growth
just photoshopped into a history

you never had — we give you what
is: dead space to grow our buildings,

‘providing’ you places to live
where orchids and skinks,

singing and calling birds
are written off, out of the image.

Remorseless. Who do they make us?
These self-appointed speakers

for the land that was never theirs?
Housing the spirits of killed flora

and fauna as people will wonder
what it is that’s not quite right

with the air the pollen record
cemented over? Bottlebrush Drive.

            John Kinsella

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