Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Save 'Julimar State Forest'/Julimar Conservation Park from Chalice Mining!

I have just put this petition up at Change.Org for any of you willing to sign (see below plus link). Addressing governments, especially when they are so embedded with the mining industry, is a forlorn and fraught process, but every peaceful method must be tried:

Chalice Mining is attempting to develop a nickel, copper, cobalt and PGE mine at the 'Gonneville deposit' near the 'Julimar State Forest'/Julimar Conservation Park, Western Australia. Their end of 2020 statement claims — 'Julimar PGE-Ni-Cu-Co-Au discovery' [is] 'advancing rapidly to maiden resource'. The company is targeting the 28 000-hectare Julimar Conservation Park as part of their 'exploration' and potential exploitation of the 'deposit'. As cited in the Financial Review (November 9th, 2021) regarding exploratory drilling in the forest, 'Mr Dorsch said he was expecting approval to drill soon and the company was “raring to go”.'

Despite claiming it's all for the well-being of the world (minerals useful for carbon-reducing technology — 'green technology'), the destruction of the ecologically vital and unique Julimar forest will be a crime against the environment and the biosphere. The forest must be protected against such a flagrant rapacity that is ultimately based on nothing more than profiteering and indifference to environmental world-health.

The forests and bushland of Western Australia are already under great pressure from mining, and we plead with you to prevent this activity. We have an obligation to all life on this planet to prevent the damage and destruction of remaining habitats.

Link to Protect Julimar Forest petition. [Note the anti-tree propaganda in the Financial Review article, aligning the area with middle-class wealth (which is untrue), attempting to divide and conquer via mining labour demographics when it's the mega-wealthy who most benefit from such mining.]

Also, I beg you all to consider the threat to the Manning Ridge from mountain-biking proponents. See and look at 'concerns'. And here is a poem in support of that campaign:

Manning Ridge, Beeliar Regional Park, Whadjuk Noongar Boodja

Parrot bush is a flowering of white-tailed
black cockatoos is a flowering of limestone 

is a flowering of the essence of terrain. 
Mountain bikes are not biodiverse, 

mountain bike trails are not circulatory 
systems, mountain bikes and the trails 

made for them to traverse bring no rare species 
back from the brink, bring no warmth 

or comfort to country. Mountain bikes
compress the ridge, break the back

of habitat. When riders ride into their future
they delete the future for so much else.

Bandicoots and lined skinks know I visited
as a child, trying to hear what they had to say —

their memories are passed on through
limestone, through woodlands

and shrublands. I won’t forget
their gifts. Now I speak out.

Parrot bush is a flowering of white-tailed
black cockatoos is a flowering of limestone 

is a flowering of a future.
Remember. Act. Remember.

John Kinsella

Graphology Lambent 28: for the protesters against the Garzweiler lignite mine

False light false warmth the pit dilating
to consume trees and villages, filling

atmosphere with false signs false breath —
that dirty heat that warms only death.

But those of you sitting to block ‘progress’
will bring life with every delay — you redress

our failure as the cranes migrate.

John Kinsella

The destruction of habitat and contamination of the biosphere are such a multiplex concurrence of 'events' that unless we resist all of these assaults at once, and say enough to all such behaviour and activity, they will overwhelm the planet.

1 comment:

Diane Glancy said...

I am in agreement. Diane Glancy