Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Lies of Transformers — Against Artificial Neural Networks — ChatGPT and other Large Language Models

I Refuse ChatGPT and Associates


'veil of ignorance'

            Sam Altman



I will never use you

though you have used me.


You have stolen and profited

from my speech and writing,


you have taken my essence

and destroyed my rights.


There is no common good

for all your semantics —


I do not like your

consuming personalities.


So, you won't let me hide

behind my veil of ignorance? —


you eat suns even at night.

We shovel the planet


into your boilers

so you can finance


the pleasure centres

of your advocates. Liar.


I knew you before you arrived —

slipping in under the warning


thresholds — you maker

of dead weather and fire,


psychic panel beater

of iambic pentameter.



            John Kinsella



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