Sunday, August 18, 2024

Celebrating John Kinsella's Collected Poems (UWAP) at City of Perth Library last night

By Tracy

In addition to John himself, participating readers & brilliant poets were: Alan Fyfe, Caitlin Maling, Cass Lynch, Emily Sun, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Siobhan Hodge & Tim Kinsella — with introductory talks by Tony Hughes d'Aeth and Lakshmi Kanchi.

Not everyone who took part is shown here — some of my images didn't come up as I'd hoped! Some were taken by me, others by Wendy Kinsella.

Thanks to UWA Publishing, City of Perth Library, WA Poets... and many others.

John Kinsella

Scott-Patrick Mitchell

John with Will Yeoman

Part of the audience

Mar Bucknell with John Kinsella, Rohit Kanchi

Tony Hughes d'Aeth

Lakshmi Kanchi & audience

Cass Lynch & audience

Emily Sun speaks

Tim Kinsella reads

John Kinsella speaks

Tim Kinsella reading

Scott-Patrick Mitchell speaks

Emily Sun

Caitlin Maling

Lakshmi Kanchi

Tim Kinsella

Tracy Ryan

Peter Wheeler in foreground, Mar Bucknell & Rohit Kanchi behind

John Kinsella, Lakshmi Kanchi, Steve Mickler

Lakshmi Kanchi & John Kinsella

Tony Hughes d'Aeth

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