Good to see that the world's attention (of a sort) is being directed at the mining company South32's government-backed hyper-destruction of the northern jarrah forests in the south of Western Australia. That it comes via a Hollywood actor is neither here nor there, the facts are the facts and if Leonardo DiCaprio brings attention to this horrific reality, then that's a good use of 'influence'.
So much use of influence is dubious and ultimately self-serving (usually a form of vanity, profiteering and/or ideological control), but a world in denial about habitat destruction will not hear unless it enters their personal ambit. The distressing thing is that it takes 'celebrity' for the media to take any real notice. And as we all know (and say), media is so often driven by zeitgeist, 'likes' and self-interest.
Destruction of the southwest forests is an ongoing, hour by hour issue. The worship of aluminium/bauxite (South32 owns 86% of Worsley Alumina) is central to this destruction. The deceptive sell of jobs, which are a distinctly finite proposition in such industries, drives the left-lite argument for the retention of this planet-killing industry, while consumerism and brute capitalist profiteering drives much of the rest.
One of the most appalling aspects of the mining-sell in Western Australia is the lie of 'rehabilitation' of mine sites (forests cannot simply be replaced) along with the way such propaganda infiltrates schools. Mining's grip on Western Australia is so extreme that it underpins much of the arts, sports and daily life-activities of the population. Different mining companies use different social tactics, but all try to ingratiate themselves into the 'realities' of daily life.
Readers of this blog will have read many entries like this over the years, but please don't let that inure you to the essential nature of each specific issue. Each case of destruction (and we are talking thousands of hectares of jarrah forest in this instance) is part of the picture of total annihilation of the biosphere, and as we recoil in trauma from the Trump administration's mass-scale ecological terrorism, we should surely keep in mind that it's an international issue, deeply set in authoritarian and (apparently) non-authoritarian political ecologies alike.
I acknowledge with respect the many activists who struggle with the corporate-government machine in trying to protect what remains of these magnificent forests. This poem was written in the latter stages of 2024 and scrutinises the various toxic activities of South32, a BHP spin-off that boasts a skyscraper in the city of Boorloo/Perth overlooking the river:
Limbo Subscript 24
South32 ‘spun out of BHP’ has city
sky-signage! and has been given
‘the go-ahead’ to rip out what’s left
of the circulatory system of jarrah
forest near Boddington, to convert
tall-tree country to alumina dust
for smelting. The actual ruling
of the EPA to save what was left
of that forest was overruled
by the minister for environment.
This is the truth of limbo, which
has qualities of hell and purgatory
and the advertising campaign
known as ‘heaven’. And it has
so much more going for it —
you don’t have to search far
to see South32 has US
Department of Defense
financing for an American
zinc and manganese project,
and that one of their directors
is a non-executive director
of BEA industries, the mega
defence conglomerate. This
embroils the fate of innumerable species
of animals and plants: to be ‘restored’
or maybe ‘resurrected’ by people
from your schools who wanted
passionately to ‘work with nature’
and make a buck. To be ministers.
To sniff the almost clean-enough air.
John Kinsella
Hi John, just wondering if you know your words have been stolen. Here’s the article from The Atlantic titled “The Unbelievable Scale of AI’s Pirated-Books Problem.” They got at Holden Shepherd & they’ve taken 8 of my early poetry 🤨
Yes, thanks, Helen, I have known about this invasiveness for some years and been vocal about it and deeply frustrated with the inability for writers to prevent this (and, actually, all people whose speech or comment is co-opted through both public and even private digital and non-digital [copied] communication). Every interaction of ours that is monitored and recorded is being co-opted, and books make an especially ‘fertile’ ground for AI to pillage non-regular and non-predictable articulation/thinking (it’s what they’re after, of course). I wrote to my various publishers about three years ago when this was all getting ‘traction’, and AI was being praised and as a consequence vigilance was lower than it should have been, bringing the issue to their attention (some knew, some didn’t), and have been working on a long article in resistance since last year (the situation is so massive that it’s hard to keep track of). It is a grotesque situation on all levels, and there are no limitations regarding the extent of it. This form of capitalism is so all-consuming that redress is going to only be about surface effects — the horror goes to the very depths of corporatism, governments, and the tech itself. It is a cessation of intellectual freedom and an assault on human rights. We declare non-participation and they steal what they want anyway. Dissolution of the net and the tools of AI seems the only way, and that is far from likely. Still, many voices speaking out is the best chance we have of undoing this incredible wrong. I have many poems in my Graphology series against AI and the Big Tech appropriation and this dire situation specifically. No doubt, those poems will be co-opted in time as well!
John Kinsella
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