Saturday, September 11, 2021

Poem in Support of the Sacred Bushland of Walwalinj ('Mount Bakewell') and the Ballardong People's Relationship to Their Country

The Euphemisms of Trails: Save Walwalinj from the Mountain Bike Trails Proposed by the York Shire and the Western Trails Alliance



It all falls by waysides

in naming ‘prosperity’ —

whose is rarely in question

because it’s a state of being

we can’t afford to question?


Thunderbird reacts!


Wheatbelt ‘alpine’ seems

contradictory in the scouring,
but all definitions up for grabs

as vested parties push bikes

hard up the mountain:


parodying watershed,

parodying ley-lines,

parodying ecotones,

parodying lines of naming

parodying duration.


Thunderbird reacts!


Adrenaline’s fallout

over orchids so rare...

last refuge, plethora, haven.

Life out of reach



those who claim

what’s not theirs to claim,

but they know the ins

and outs of colonial law.

Read the fine detail —


the letter, the clause... see

point... sub-sectioned.

Behind closed doors

it may seem to some

that Ballardong people


are a ‘hurdle to clear’ — a jump

on the path to stimulus. Protocols

written by... see government

guidelines. See trails carved

out of a purple mountain.


Thunderbird reacts!



            John Kinsella


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