Over the last eighteen months I have been steadily accumulating 'footage' for a new series of experimental poem-films. This is the first and was filmed in at various locations in Germany Ireland, Switzerland and Boorloo/Perth, Western Australia.
'Origins of Colonialism #' is a demi-silent film... there is sound, and the jackhammering is intrusive/interruptive, a motif of terror, but a conceptual silence also underpins the whole: the silence of a world still largely and materially in denial of collapsing eco-systems, and also the silence around confronting the causes of ongoing colonialism (one of the major reasons we have got to the point of collapse). Paths laid down over other paths, the labyrinth that cannot be 'solved', and the 'pre-evidence' (out of precedent) of our own footsteps to come as we follow the tracks of modernity laid down over the ley lines of deeper presences. And always looming, the markers of mining wealth and power.
This new series connects to my earlier Rental Crisis films (see Rental Crisis 3 here), which I briefly discuss in an earlier blog entry. The lurid 'neon light' motif recurs and intensifies.
John Kinsella